Leo Roeks 

Automotive Expertise

„The only constant factor in life is change"

This famous quote by the Greek philosopher Heraclitus has lost none of its validity even after two and a half thousand years. 

This is especially true for companies in the automotive industry and the development of global mobility in the coming decades.  Digitization, zero-emission drives, autonomous driving, car sharing and networked transport concepts are challenges for integrated, sustainable mobility.  They are decisively changing the market and require new business models. Manufacturers in the automotive industry must redefine their position and adapt their offerings accordingly.  They must find answers as to how future concepts can be realized in the interaction between companies, society and politics.


Warranty cashflow and reserves form a large, sometimes huge financial impact for companies independent from industry or product.
The historic rule of thumb stating that warranty reserve changes should not be greater than 1% of the annual turnover, is still valid.
To achieve this and maintain it over the business plan, it requires an uniformal organisational approach with cross-functional and cross-departmental time and data management.
Also an effective warranty management should cover all cost categories and cost control, but should also focus on customer & dealer satisfation and internal cost. Why not turning warranty cost into a profit?
The Top 10 Guidelines for Warranty optimisation …


The Automotive Industry is in the middle of its biggest change since the invention of mass transportation.
All sorts of electro-mobility will be part of the growth market for more and more companies. For companies not only centred around the production of vehicles, but also for a large number of new players: digitalisation, telecommunication, IT, software and content providers, cities, governments, electrical power providers and eMobility Start-Ups.
All these players will benefit from the innovations and the impulses coming from the developments in the mobility arena.

The Top 14 Mobility Challenges and
Opportunities ...


Of course, the main characteristic of a Performance Car is engine power, but not only that.
Almost more important is the balance of all attributes to create a holistic and "round" driving experience. The linearity of power and torque build-up, steering feel and pedal forces combined with the interior noise composition and seating position, play an equal role here. 

The future challenge will be to develop, maintain and newly define these performance car attributes while preparing for an era of electrification, CO2 reduction and reducing public acceptance.


Are you looking for a partner with over 25 year of automotive experience?
We will improve your business with practical background and an open creative mindset.
Together we will find the perfect solution that suits your business.  
Just contact us.